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Lee-Keng Ng

Lee-Keng Ng

Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore

Title: Soft (service) skills in Nursing Care: Training versus Reality


Biography: Lee-Keng Ng


Nursing education has transformed over time. This is particularly evident in the integration of technology in pedagogy. However, it is not evident whether the training of soft (service) skills has also evolved effectively. On one hand, such people skills are much less tangible than technology. On the other hand, they are so perennially relevant and important for nursing care that is essentially people-oriented. Based on research outcome, patients and family members rated these people skills to be the most important for nurses: Being reliable, willing/prompt to help and able to communicate in easy, clear language. The conclusion was that besides knowledge acquisition and technical competency, nursing curriculum can explicitly incorporate more soft (service) skills to enhance the nursing care standard.